
This past week I finally got to ride the incredible swing here at the ranch! I was legitimately scared. Sitting in the harness - watching the metal floor fall out from underneath me - just hanging there 50ft off the ground...scared. The free fall is literally 3 stories before the swing catches. violent. amazing. my dad would love it. wish he was here! The first time I rode with Bryan and Greg Hook. The next day I rode with Leslie Sloan and Ellie Holcomb. They were terrified. The whole time they were saying why are we doing this. I do not like stuff like this....etc. When the swing let go - they screamed and screamed. I would've except I was laughing SOOO hard at them and how much they were screaming...AND its all on video. ENJOY.

1 comment:

Jan Archer said...

linds, you're my hero. I'd rather chew off my right arm than swing on that thing....did the people at the top have guns? Is that how they made you do it?