
Noah's Birthday

Yesterday we ended birthday week with our gift to Noah. Sweet remote control cars/trucks. Today somebody ran over it on our street. While Noah and hallie watched. They were all (n,h&truck) on the side of the road. Somehow the trailer this car was pulling just was too wide. Tragic and hilarious happy birthday Noah!!



Life. Noah's 9. Hal's playing soccer. Mills is all about horses. Sweet!


This should help!

A new app from my iPhone might just help me post more! Yay! Test run. This is a picture Hallie drew of our family the first week if school... I am a superhero evidently. I already knew that-thanks Hal for confirming!



hancock spring

well i know you've missed us. here's a glimpse into hancock life lately.

the princess...

the eyes...

the backyard pool...and the neighbors...

the rocket...

by far the best part of our spring has been the unexpected discovery of the tadpole pond. one monday while mills was at piano lessons - noah, hallie and i wandered around a pond nearby. we saw some of the biggest tadpoles i have ever seen. the next monday after piano (so mills could come too) we went back. with a net and a bucket. the next monday we went back with 3 nets and 2 buckets (less fighting - more hunting). seeing as how i have become the "jack hanna/steve irwin" of wayne county schools i may have done a life cycle - frog/tadpole/crawfish presentation for all of my kids different classes with all the cool stuff we caught. i may have made up a few facts and deflected a few questions. i am sort of a celebrity here now. at least among the under 10 crowd.
every tuesday we take some new tadpoles in different stages back to school. this past week hallie and i might have even done a presentation for a second grade class at a school my kids don't even go to. i mean famous. here's a tadpole with front and back legs - a trophy...

a few mondays ago the kids (including 4 neighbors) found a HUGE snapping turtle stuck in a drain pipe at the pond. i called bryan. he came to the rescue. after an hour of LOTS of questions by the young people and ideas on freeing him (also by the young people) some rope and minus one shirt - bryan determined we didn't have the right "equipment". he did go back later that night with leaders and high school boys and "equipment". couldn't catch him. did manage to push him through the pipe and out the other end. at least he's not stuck.

HOWEVER - they did see some really big bullfrogs. evidently the frogs our tadpoles grow up to be....

so on friday the hancock family - armed with flashlights and big nets - headed out to the pond after dark. Noah, Mills and Hallie each caught a HUGE frog. Me too! check em out...


wore hallie out though...what an adventure being a hancock!!


in the weeds...


Hallie Hula Hooping

Happy Tuesday yall!!


The Christmas Tree is Down...

Last weekend we finally took our Christmas tree down. And burned it in pieces in our fireplace. The kids feel like we've really locked in a tradition that no one else has. Burning the tree in celebration of a great season. They are so proud. I can't believe we made it to February. Crazy.

in honor of the occasion - here are some Christmas gems.

Mills drew a great pic & wrote out a Christmas story...I framed them and am sooo excited to hang em every year! (check out the words to Rudolph - if you can't read it, it's definitely worth a visit to the house next December!!)

Hallie and the krazy kar!

And just for fun - Check out Coach Hancock and the THUNDER!! Next Game Sat at 9!!


you wish you lived my life...

my daughter had her art featured in an exhibit at the wayne county arts council...

i walk around the corner to this... a lot...and i am soooo thankful

i get to watch this...so sweet

my kids are FULL of life!

and well my man...can you see him here?

he spends his days sitting in one of these...keeping wayne county alive in his heart!!

i love my life!

For Jan...

Well folks- its been a LONG time. sorry about that. things over at LMH Photography have been busy this fall! (check it out lmhphotography.blogspot.com) however, thought it was high time i updated you on some hancock goodness. here is a little christmas cheer - i know its january but we are hancocks...plus our christmas tree is still up...dead but up...well - to the new year!!

lipgloss from Santa


then came the snow...

we got to spend the day after christmas with bryan's family
these are his grandparents.
what a great shot!! we laughed all day!

my niece - Ari


my nephew - Gabe

then after the snow came this
this is straight out of my camera....
i LOVE LOVE my backyard view!