
on your way to school...

On your way to school to see this - Mills and Mrs. Malpass
Do you see this????
We do!!! & We LOVE wayne county for reminding us about those folks whose motto is safety first, who wear helmets in the cockpit, and who make me cuss everytime I watch them drop those planes down into these small spaces!

They fly behind our house - their wheels 5 feet above the crops, while we sit on the manshack (the toolshed) in lawn chairs bolted to the roof waving to the pilot - who is at eye level.
It's a huge perk to our home and living in this part NC that we get to watch this guy all the time!
Props to Bryan for leaning out of the van window and snapping this pic on the way to Tommy's Road Elementary. Props to me for having my camera with me at all times and for having shown Bryan how to operate it!

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