
We are here!

Well...We have arrived! I thought I would start a blog to keep all of our friends and family updated on the adventures of the Hancocks! Seemed like the easiest option. I know you are all proud. Plus I want yall to know what is going on here so you can pray for us and for kids as they really see Jesus this month at Crooked Creek Ranch!

So - to get here we had to fly! We flew nonstop from RDU to Denver CO. I thought it would either go very well - or very bad! I am happy to say that it went amazing! The kids did great and the flight was a perfect first flight experience. Bryan and Noah sat on one side of the aisle - the girls and I on the other. I took a video of take-off but of course I forgot the cord to upload it. So as soon as I can find one I will put it up here...Suffice it to say not many people really talk much during take off - so our kids hollering about how cool it was and how it really wasn't scary and wow we are flying were entertainment for everyone onboard our flight! Mills says her favorite part of the ride was the BLAST OFF! and really who can blame her!

Kids in the airport - playing their new leapster games!

After getting ALL of our 9 checked bags plus 3 car seats and 5 carry ons...we loaded in a van and drove 1 1/2 hours to camp. We are near (10 min) Winter Park Ski Resort and about 8500 ft above sea level. It is cold. Young Life owes me a month of my summer back! When the sun is shining it is really OK even though I have not put on shorts yet and I am typing this inside in my North Face jacket. The kids don't seem to mind though and of course after dinner we all had to get in the swimming pool and hot tub - well mostly because we promised.

The hot tub - check out that view...

The rest of the staff arrive this afternoon and the work crew/summer staff tomorrow AND the campers roll in on Sunday afternoon for the best week of their lives! It is really exciting to be a part of this and to get to be here! I sure I will have tons of cool stuff to share as we get going. I will try to post a good bit so you can see what a week of YL camp really looks like!

Our kids are great! They love being at camp - they think they own the place already... I love being their mom!
Well more to come!
Peace - Talk to ya! (we miss you Scalf's!)

Thought you would like this pic from Noah's kindergarten graduation last week!


Unknown said...

Linds - I cannot believe you're already there! How fun. Please hug my peeps for me. Your kids are adorable, as ever. You're gonna have to watch out for Mills...check out her post in the pic! I really miss you guys a lot and will be praying for your time. Love you!


momma said...

Hey Linds,

Love those pictures!!! I know you miss the hot weather here!!! I'm headed to Atlantic Beach to play and visit Todd, Gretchen, Jake and Henry tonite. It is going to be thunderstormy here today! Can't wait to try out the video in the computer with ya'll! Love you bunches!!!


Age is not important unless you are cheese.... said...

Yaaaaaaay!! Thanks sooo much for doing this! I can't wait to hear all about the awesome adventures you guys will have. I sat near bethany from G'ville staff on my plane to Detroit and we spent the ride talking about how great y'all are. Sure made the trip go fast!
I'm collecting and assembling stuff as we speak so keep you eye out for a "BOF" (Box of fun!)

Megan said...

I LOVE IT!! so proud of you for your first blog! we miss yall like crazy already and ate at la paz last night in your honor! i wish i could send some of this heat your way cause lord knows its hot here! if i could mail you a shaved ice i would :)


Dana said...

you have a blog! WAY COOL!! i am so going to be a follower - thanks for a way to keep up with the best family ever. hugs and love from charleston!! ps: matthew graduated from 5th grade today. no way i'm old enough to have a middle schooler!?!? what the...

momma said...

Hey Linds, Bryan, Noah, Mills and Hallie!!!

I sure have enjoyed reading the blog! Looks like a great place and the kids look like they are having a ball...except for that "I miss Ga" look in their eyes. It is Monday morning here and back to work. Had greta time at the beach with Henry and Jake. They are loud like the Hancocks!!!!!!!!! Hope we can get the video conference thing worked out so I can see them all soon.

Love you bunches,


momma said...

Lindsay, Bryan, Noah, Mills and Hallie,

Love those pictures!!!!!!! That dress looks familiar! Friday morning here.Mom and Granny are making a semi-emergency trip to Wrighstville Beach to try and find a check that may or may not have been left at the Condo! Don't ask me because I don't have any idea!

It is rainy/thunderstormy here, but warm! Take care of yourselves and the babies!

